Adding Value to Turkey: Mineral Processing and Turkey’s Maturing Mining Industry

August 16, 2018
The recognition that Turkey’s miners must add more value to what they produce reflects the maturity of Turkey’s mining industry.

A World of Innovation

August 16, 2018
Technology providers keep incorporating new concepts to improve productivity and safety in Peru.

The Research Tax Credit Scheme: Spurring on Innovation in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

August 14, 2018
The French government offers a generous tax credit scheme to encourage R&D.

Singapore’s Chemical Producers: Feeding Asia’s Appetite

August 10, 2018
Singapore’s forward-oriented leadership knows all too well that the city-state will not be able to compete with its neighbors as a low-cost destination for manufacturers.

R&D: Is Innovation Really Happening in China?

August 09, 2018
With an ever-increasing stockpile of innovative technologies and a growing network of talented scientists intently focused on innovation, it will merely be a matter of time before China begins to produce some of the most cutting-edge drugs.

Manpower Constraints a Persistent Burden for Industry in Singapore

August 09, 2018
As the city-state continues its relentless pursuit towards an ecosystem of utopian standards, Industry 4.0 will take it on a new course. This evolution will demand economic, social, and educational change.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is Developing as a Hub for Electronics for the Aerospace Industry

July 10, 2018
Companies in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes at all stages of the value chain are developing the electronic components of tomorrow’s aircrafts.

Turkey’s Mining Industry Looks to the Future with Hope for an Easier Ride

July 06, 2018
Global Business Reports provides its take on the prospects for Turkey’s mining industry, based on exclusive interviews with some of the sector’s leading players.

Peru’s Precious Metals: The Challenge of Keeping Volumes Up

July 06, 2018
Peru’s main gold mines are maturing, and production will increasingly come from medium-sized operations.

Performance of Mexico's Petrochemicals Industry

July 05, 2018
Despite Braskem Idesa’s huge investment in Ethylene XXI, until the nation can supply an adequate supply of feedstock, Mexico remains a long way from achieving self sufficiency in petrochemicals.





Africa Energy 2024 - Pre-release

The pre-release edition of Africa Energy 2024 comprises analysis based on over 80 interviews with ministers and leading executives from IOCs, NOCs, independents, associations, investors and service providers, to provide an in-depth and holistic view of sub-Saharan Africa’s ever-evolving energy sector.