"The initial raison d’être of Ausenco was to be more efficient in the design of mineral processing – finding a better way. If you are more efficient in designing and building, it naturally leads to less use of resources and less environmental impact."
"Hudbay is trying to bring in a multi-stakeholder approach that delivers investment into the Chumbivilcas region from many sources. Sustained investment and development is needed in the province, and this cannot be achieved by one company alone."
"Large projects are a multidisciplinary challenge, and their development must include all the stakeholders; these groups cannot work in silos. Furthermore, how we exploit resources and develop future mining operations must consider climate change, wealth-creation for communities, and evolving technologies."
Novamera explains how its drilling technology provides a pathway for companies to start projects that were previously was not economically feasible, or to add existing mineral resources outside of their mine plan to their operations.
Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2024 - Digital Interactive
The Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2024 report, produced in alliance with APLA, explores the current state of these industries, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they offer.