“Based on my experience and network, I believe the best solution for responding to environmental needs is to work with one company that has a broad spectrum of partners and solutions to be able to respond to a multitude of environmental issues.”

Eric Lannegrace


December 10, 2019

What was the motivation and vision behind creating minera Solutions?

I have 20 years of experience and a master’s degree in environmental science, and the industry’s emphasis on the environmental impact of mining has been growing incrementally, which is why I wanted to create a company that was truly focused on mining and the environment.

Manufacturers gave minera an opportunity while mining companies knew that I was dedicated to their needs and understood their business. Instead of integrating product lines, I downsized the business model of minera to be a manufacturing agent, therefore opening the doors to all integrating companies and EPCs. My expertise is in water treatment, but I know that environmental directors of companies also have to deal with renewable energy and energy storage. That is why minera has brought two renewable energy and energy storage experts into the company.

Why do you think environmental issues have become so important to mining companies recently?

The overall environmental awareness of individuals, who may also be stakeholders or investors in mining companies, is pressuring the industry to become aware of these issues. Sustainable technologies are available and there is more interest from mining companies. That being said, acting green can be difficult if a company does not have the right people to address these issues and manufacturers to provide equipment. If a mining company wants sustainable mining, minera can help with water, energy and energy storage, but it comes down to getting the equipment in place.

Can you explain how minera’s business model works?

Minera Solutions will act as a one stop shop for a mining company’s environmental needs. We obtain information from manufacturers and make it available to potential customers. We want customers to contact us, so that we can provide the equipment via the manufacturer that we represent. Minera also works closely with companies that it does not represent. We do not necessarily sell their products, but can facilitate business with them. The relationships we have with service providers, legal companies, integrators and EPCs all over Canada, are the true value our company offers.

Minera’s customers can be found across the board and we can jump in at any stage of a project. We are also willing and able to provide equipment or financing offers, providing a customer with equipment rapidly. The finance offering from minera is shaping up rapidly as mining companies are calling for it.

What are some of the companies minera collaborates with?

Minera works withWesTech, a well-established company from the United States. They have 500 employees globally and can cover most of the needs in the mining sector, especially around mine water treatment. For the biological side, we work with Nexom, a local Canadian company with a depth of expertise in this area. We also work with EHP Environment, a Finnish company that provides equipment and data services for remote monitoring and is particularly well-adapted to cold climates. We may add one or two specialized manufacturer to complete our offer. The idea is to have synergy between these companies – they gain from being on the minera platform, but minera also provides value for people and companies that are related to mining, but do not have access to the market.

What is minera’s growth strategy moving forward?

Things have been moving so fast for Minera that managing growth is certainly a challenge. We are obtaining external help from consultants and mentors, and have found investors interested in minera that see the growth potential and the impact we can have. Based on my experience in the water treatment industry, I am looking more into business partners than employees, people that will bring their networks and full dedication to the project.

As a business owner, I am trying to obtain balance and do not want to be only focused on gold or iron ore. Being involved in Ontario is important, but having projects elsewhere in Canada is important as well, as far as diversification and spreading the network is concerned.

Do you have a final message for the audience of Global Business Reports?

Minera is concentrating on work in Canada, where there are currently many opportunities on the environmental side. We are client-focused and understand that relationships and reputation are built over time and based on success, so we are in this for the long-term.

Based on my experience and network, I believe the best solution for responding to environmental needs is to work with one company that has a broad spectrum of partners and solutions to be able to respond to a multitude of environmental issues. Minera Solutions has a simple business model that is totally dedicated to the mining sector, with access to tier 1 manufacturers that are able to fully cover mining needs.


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