"DeltaPV aims to create awareness and educate the markets about the importance of pharmacovigilance. We are also working on automating the data that we obtain from our searches so that statistics will be available automatically to signal a drug safety problem immediately."

Dr. Seyfullah Dağıstanlı & Aytek Dağıstanlı


March 17, 2020

Can you give an overview of DeltaPV?  

S.D: After I started working in the private sector I realized that many local companies lack the knowledge to manage their responsibilities in pharmacovigilance field. Small companies may not have the budget to invest in and implement a sound system. It was clear that local companies needed the assistance of experts. As a result, the market for contracted pharmacovigilance service companies emerged.

The pharmacovigilance market is projected to double by 2025 worldwide. How do you think this market will evolve in Turkey and are there any recent pieces of regulation that may impact on the demand side? 

S.D: From 2011 to 2014, most of DeltaPV’s clients were multinational companies who needed extra reporting, which they outsourced. In 2014, a new regulation, the Pharmacovigilance Directive, was implemented and awareness on the topic increased significantly. Within two-to-three months of the directive being implemented, we saw a significant increase in the demand for our services.

What are the core markets served by DeltaPV and how may these evolve in the future?

S.D: DeltaPV dominates the Turkish market and we hold approximately 90% of the market share. Internationally, we have three active focal points; one in the UK, one in Croatia and one in Kazakhstan. We aim to grow our footprint in developing countries and markets as we believe that we are a significant competitor due to our affordable prices and great industry knowledge.

A.D: Turkey has an advantage in terms of exports as many countries prefer Turkey for its relatively high quality work and cheap prices. Turkey also has a geographical and cultural advantage as it is located between Europe and Asia. Developing countries are important for all pharmacovigilance service providers, but being located in Turkey, we have the advantage of being able to be more cost competitive, we have a culturally diverse understanding, and we have an excellent developed infrastructure. Pharmacovigilance is very important and we have the aim to provide the best services in developing countries where awareness is now increasing. DeltaPV also takes on the responsibility to educate the market and to teach those who do not have the knowledge.  

What is the added value that DeltaPV brings to its clients?

A.D: DeltaPV’s main advantage is that we commit to understanding our client’s business and requirements. We offer the entire pharmacovigilance package to customers, but are also willing to provide only part of the package, according to our customer’s needs.

Our greatest asset is the software which enables DeltaPV to conduct literature screenings in any language which read from left to right. We can scan 370 local journals in a relatively short time. This is a great advantage in ensuring patient safety and DeltaPV is one of the only companies that have this capability. DeltaPV provides services to approximately 174 companies.

What is DeltaPV’s vision moving forward?

A.D: DeltaPV aims to create awareness and educate the markets about the importance of pharmacovigilance. We are also working on automating the data that we obtain from our searches so that statistics will be available automatically to signal a drug safety problem immediately.

S.D: Pharmacovigilance is important in understanding drugs’ behaviors and to increase the safety of the product. Reporting of adverse reactions allows for continuous monitoring of the medicinal product’s benefit/risk ratio. Side effects can also give an idea about a new indication or new possible product.  DeltaPV is bringing the science and technology together to offer the highest quality services to our customers at affordable prices. 



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