We are not only supplying software solutions but also partnering with our clients as advisors to help them improve their business operations. Moving forward, we are exploring mobile functionality and are also focusing on the interconnectedness of our systems to increase the value of our comprehensive solution.”We are not only supplying software solutions but also partnering with our clients as advisors to help them improve their business operations. Moving forward, we are exploring mobile functionality and are also focusing on the interconnectedness of our systems to increase the value of our comprehensive solution.”

Peter Ivison


July 07, 2019

INX Software grew out of Cube Consulting and now has customers across four continents. Could you provide a brief overview of your role within the mining ecosystem?

INX Software grew out of the WA mining and mining services industry, and although we are involved across 23 industries, mining constitutes the majority of our business. We decided ten years ago to diversify our mining services into other sectors including energy, oil and gas, telecommunications, infrastructure and transportation to name a few.  INX Software provides workforce management solutions that support our clients and their business objectives, with a core vision to develop smarter and safer workplaces. We ensure that the right people with appropriate skills are on site and ensure the end-to-end welfare of each workers. The way we differentiate ourselves is through our involvement in hazardous industries, especially where there is a direct risk to the workforce. The interconnected nature of our core models serves as our unique differentiator, as we are not only focused on the health and safety space but across logistics, workforce management, personal competencies and compliance. The interaction of these various elements provides value to our clients.

As of 10th April 2019, Tanarra Capital took a 75% stake in INX software. What direction does the private equity firm aim to take the company in?

Tanarra and ourselves have set very high growth objectives. Tanarra will back this with additional capital to help us accelerate our development programs and our expansion into other markets. We believe this influx of capital will help us to unlock the potential of our business, which has been constrained in the past due to limited resources. Our strengths are based around tackling the challenges within mining and mining services, remote workforces and contract mobilization logistics. Our strategy is to increase our penetration in our home markets by expanding our strengths, as well as bringing our current offering to the global market with international clients in North America and Africa.

What key challenges do you expect to face in expanding into emerging markets?

We aim to expand aggressively into the Americas and Africa very shortly. Clearly, the business conditions in Africa are quite different to Australia from a governance standpoint, and we want to ensure that our success strategy translates well to our African clients. Our strength lies in understanding our clients’ problems and one of the key challenges will be understanding the nuances of different markets in order to best help our clients with solutions.

What has been driving INX Software’s product innovation in recent years?

There has been a shift in focus from compliance and safety to holistic management of risk, which has trickled down from high-risk to medium-risk industries. One of the unique features of INX’s solutions is as they are so configurable, they can grow within an organization in terms of size as well as sophistication when it comes to facing certain issues. Our implementation and support teams as well as product development team help deliver value through their deep expertise. Our product managers and implementation consultants have experience within the industry and have supported logistics systems in remote mining operations. We are not only supplying software solutions but also partnering with our clients as advisors to help them improve their business operations. Moving forward, we are exploring mobile functionality and are also focusing on the interconnectedness of our systems to increase the value of our comprehensive solution.

What differentiates INX Software’s offering from its competitors?  

Most of our competitors operate in one of our spaces but not effectively across all of them. For example, they could be focused on the mobilization of the workforce or the health and safety risk space, but they do not have end-to-end cover. We see a lot of efficiencies for our clients in having a single solution, and quite often when we replace existing solutions, we replace six or seven systems. This means huge efficiencies for our clients in terms of administration, personal profiles, organizational structure and consolidation of data from different systems that can be extracted from a single source.

How should INX Software be perceived by the industry in Australia and globally? 

We want to be more than just a software supplier and instead a partner to our clients. We have learnt that if we try to make assumptions about our clients’ problems, we are bound to get it wrong. We truly believe that the key to solving our clients’ problems is to partner with them and tailor our software solution to their needs especially given the changing landscape of technology. We will have to collaborate closely with our clients in order to take advantage of the large amounts of data being generated by our systems.


“Gracias a nuestras certificaciones internacionales, hemos ganado la confianza de clientes e incluso de nuestra propia competencia, quienes recurren a nuestros laboratorios para realizar ensayos especiales.”
“Hay una creciente presión por implementar automatización en todos los procesos, especialmente entre las grandes compañías. Sin embargo, queremos ofrecer equipos con diseños simples, robustos y confiables, evitando la automatización total.”
"Many of our major clients have significant capital projects ahead at existing operations and to develop new greenfield mines."
"We continue to face challenges due to congestion at ports."


Peru Mining 2025 PDAC Pre-Release

Featuring insights from nearly 50 mining executives, the PDAC pre-release version of GBR's Peru Mining 2025 sheds light on the industry's current state while highlighting the country's window of opportunity with the energy transition and copper's critical role.



“Hemos optado por desarrollar nuestro propio software de control de calidad y procesamiento geofísico, ya que preferimos crear nuestras propias soluciones en lugar de depender de un software comercial.”