"We see potential in every corner of Africa to make a positive impact and contribute to a sustainable future."

Hadyr Koumakpai


January 12, 2024

Could you share the main highlights of your company's performance over the past 12 months? 

We began the year on a strong note, our results for the first half of the year almost matched our total volume of shipments from the previous year. Furthermore, our team has expanded across various countries to meet the growing demand. An exciting development is a South African mining project that reached a significant milestone this year, moving closer to completion. 

What does the Deep Blue offering entail, and how will it benefit the mining industry? 

This product line represents a range of advanced technologies and improvements, such as increased efficiency and adaptability to various system configurations. Deep Blue 4.0 is designed to address multiple needs, whether for residential or industrial use. As for its adoption in the mining sector, we are actively working on a significant project in South Africa. While I cannot provide all the details, it is a substantial endeavor with a capacity of 86 MW. 

What are the opportunities and challenges you see in Southern Africa for solar adoption?

Southern Africa, especially South Africa, has shown great promise in terms of solar adoption. The region has been at the forefront of embracing new technologies and transitioning away from fossil fuels. Despite facing challenges such as power cuts and infrastructure limitations, there is a strong awareness of the importance of renewable energy sources. This awareness extends to various stakeholders, including government bodies. South Africa's commitment to transitioning to greener energy sources is commendable. The challenges, like power cuts, highlight the urgent need for reliable and sustainable energy solutions. Solar power can play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. 

Are there specific regions within Africa that you are targeting for growth?

From our perspective, every country in Africa presents growth potential. Our approach is not to wait for markets to mature but to actively participate in preparing countries for growth. We have supplied numerous projects across the continent, including significant projects in Egypt with a capacity of more than 500 MW, and Morocco with a capacity of over 200 MW. While traditional markets like South Africa, Egypt and Kenya continue to be important, we are also looking at emerging markets that share our commitment to economic growth, local industry development, and the transition to renewable energy.

Are mining companies becoming more open to adopting renewable energy technologies?

The mining sector has traditionally been conservative when it comes to adopting new technologies, primarily due to the associated costs and the need for rigorous testing. However, there is a notable shift in the industry's mindset, driven by the growing importance of ESG factors. Shareholders are increasingly considering a company's commitment to sustainability when making investment decisions.

In response to this changing landscape, we have observed a significant increase in openness within the mining sector toward renewable energy technologies. Mining institutions are recognizing the importance of sustainability and are actively seeking ways to incorporate renewable energy into their operations. This shift aligns with the broader global trend of moving toward a low-carbon future.

How will JA Solar continue impacting the renewable energy sector in Africa?

The solar market itself has been expanding rapidly, and Africa is in the early stages of solar adoption. Despite challenges like regulatory issues and shifting political dynamics in the energy sector, many countries have created favorable environments for local solar initiatives.

Our priorities in Africa are multi-faceted and closely aligned with our core values and mission. Firstly, we are committed to providing solutions for any energy-related challenges. We approach projects with a strong sense of responsibility and ethics, often declining projects that do not align with our values.

Secondly, our priority is to contribute to the growth and development of the countries we operate in. We believe in not just serving mature markets but also actively participating in the journey to prepare countries for renewable energy adoption. This includes collaborating with local authorities, stakeholders, and industry players. Thirdly, we place great emphasis on sustainability and responsible business practices. If countries are open to this transition, we see potential in every corner of Africa to make a positive impact and contribute to a sustainable future. 


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Africa Energy 2024 - Pre-release

The pre-release edition of Africa Energy 2024 comprises analysis based on over 80 interviews with ministers and leading executives from IOCs, NOCs, independents, associations, investors and service providers, to provide an in-depth and holistic view of sub-Saharan Africa’s ever-evolving energy sector.



"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."