Engineering & Mining Journal


Angela Harmantas, Ramona Tarta, Karim El Badrawy, Amanda Lapadat

Ontario & Toronto Mining 2012 E&MJ Release

May 19, 2012

Sitting second behind Québec for overall mining production, and hosting the world’s leading mining financial center in the Toronto Stock Exchange, Ontario is a premier destination for mining companies. In addition to precious metals, Ontario’s attractive geology provides opportunities for the extraction of a wide array of base metals, as well as industrial minerals. Looking to take advantage of increased global demand, Ontarians are looking to produce everything from iron ore to graphite in their own backyard. While Ontario’s mining sector is experiencing a period of prosperity, it is also facing its share of challenges. Many see anticipated future labor shortages and recently introduced regulations, such as the Far North Act, as potential stumbling blocks for the sector. To sustain growth, it is imperative that both the private sector and government officials practice foresight, addressing these issues before their detrimental ramifications begin to have a significant impact on the industry.

This report provides an overview of Ontario’s diverse mining industry and an in-depth review of all the interesting projects in Ontario, examining the new developments taking place throughout the Abitibi greenstone belt, as well as shedding light on the new mining frontiers of the province, particularly the Ring of Fire. Furthermore, we shall examine Ontario’s service and supply sector and shed light on the potential opportunities and challenges facing Ontario’s mining industry. Possessing both an exceptionally skillful, experienced labor force and an abundance of under-explored, sparsely populated land, it is an industry that boasts the necessary ingredients for continued success and growth.


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"Our product innovation process involves gathering client feedback and submitting it to the factory, which determines which ideas to pursue based on economic considerations."


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"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."