Speciality Chemicals


Alfonso Tejerina, Marcus Beltran, Bilge Cuhadar

India Chemicals 2008 Speciality Chemicals Release

March 03, 2008

India appears to be in a prime position to burgeon as a chemicals market. It has a population over 1.1 billion, a large pool of talent and world-class entrepreneurs, and a favorable business climate. Drastic market reforms have been enacted and major declines in tariffs realized from triple-digit rates to an average of 10% in 2007. India is often compared to China, and industry leaders believe India offers important advantages, such as its democratic system, transparent legal structure, fluency in English and a talented pool of chemists. However, China has traditionally played its cards very well, has an undervalued currency, and the government has intervened to subsidize exports, making China a veritable competitor. Indian-Chinese competition may also turn into collaboration, as bilateral trade increases between the two countries. India’s chemicals industry might not be the largest, but it has reached a stage where multinationals must see it as an option or even as a necessity to enter on its own merit.


Haldor Topsoe discusses the potential for energy transition in Latin America.
The Mexican Union of Agrochemicals Manufacturers and Formulators (UMFFAAC) describes the main themes impacting its members.
Cristian García of PROCCYT explains the dynamics influencing Mexico’s crop protecting sector.
FMC discusses the rise of sustainable products which have minimal residues on crops.


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"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."