"We have a strong track record of doing business in Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana and Namibia. However, localization requirements present challenges for foreign companies looking to undertake projects."
"MineConnect will continue to host and attend events and foster partnerships with other provinces, domestically and internationally, to connect our suppliers and help them grow their businesses."
"Costa Fuego is well-positioned for the looming shortage in copper supply. The project features a low start-up capital with a fast payback period, 16 years of mine life, and an average annual production of 95,000 t of fine copper."
"Rochester is now one of the world's largest open pit heap leach operations, and the largest source of domestically produced and refined silver in the USA."
"We are in the mining-friendly jurisdiction of Namibia, with ready water, power, road, and port solutions that have been exporting uranium for the past 45 years."
"Due to the expansion that we foresee taking place in Ontario’s mining industry, it is important we demonstrate our abilities and commitment to supporting the critical mineral and mining industries."
MACIG 2025 - Mining in Africa Country Investment Guide
It is said that mining is a patient industry. Current demand projections are not. Demand for minerals deemed ‘critical’ is set to increase almost fourfold by 2030, according to the UN. Demand for nickel, cobalt and lithium is predicted to double, triple and rise ten-fold, respectively, between 2022 and 2050. The world will need to mine more copper between 2018 and 2050 than it has mined throughout history. 2050 is also the deadline to curb emissions before reaching a point of ‘no return.’ The pace of mineral demand and the consequences of not meeting it force the industry to act fast and take more risks. Mining cannot afford to be a patient industry anymore. The scramble for supply drives miners back to geological credentials, and therefore to places like the African Central Copperbelt.