"Mines that have been on care and maintenance were brought back into production, and projects in the early development stages have quickly advanced into production, with the yields very high."
"The ethane import terminal is a US$400 million investment that will start up in the second half of 2024. It will allow us to import 100% of our needs to operate the Etileno XXI complex at full capacity.”
"Through our growing network of cGMP facilities across Europe and the US, we aim to continue to translate complex processes and projects at any stage of development into high-value products."
"We established a dynamic drug delivery systems (DDS) company focused on providing a range of effective solutions to optimize the delivery of pharmaceutical products."
"The greening of the economy is going to reach deeply through supply chains, and that will open opportunities for projects with lower environmental impacts and stronger community support."
"Streaming is becoming widely accepted as it is a patient and forgiving form of financing for mine developers and complements traditional financing when structured well."
"AMS was established in Salt Lake City in August 2017 to provide both drilling tools and technical expertise to suit any specific drilling projects needs."
Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2024 - Digital Interactive
The Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2024 report, produced in alliance with APLA, explores the current state of these industries, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they offer.