"Digitization technologies are increasing productivity by fostering a closer relationship between service provider and customer through virtual communication platforms."


Yrán Ludeña Santana


August 23, 2021

Can you explain the evolution of Montali in the last year?

2020 was quite difficult for everyone active in the mining industry and we had to adapt and be more flexible to face uncertainty and all the challenges arising from the pandemic. Montali’s operations were hit hard in 2020, nevertheless things started to change in 2021, and we have now an optimistic outlook for the year. I believe that it is important for mining companies to stay optimistic and continue working with enthusiasm to overcome our challenges. Now, more than ever, there is a need for increased solidarity; we all need to work together for our industry.  

What are Montali’s main mining services, including raise boring and shaft sinking?

Montali offers a wide range of underground services in Latin America, which include ground control, raise boring, shaft sinking, underground construction, infrastructure development, and underground rehabilitation. We are also specialized in excavating raise climber chimneys using Alimak equipment.

What is the typical profile of Montali’s clients?

Most of our clients are large mining companies such as Buenaventura, Poderosa, Sierra Metals and Hochchild. Montali insist on working with companies that share our own values such as supporting local communities, have good social responsibility initiatives, are conscious about the environmental impacts of their operations and cultivate a healthy relationship with their contractors.

Considering the current context where in-person interaction is complicated, how are you staying close to clients?

The pandemic has accelerated the use of technologies such as digital and electrical tools, which Montali is very familiar working with. We are always looking to bringing the most efficient solutions to every challenge we face and this time was no different. The pandemic has provided the opportunity for increasing the adoption of remote-working and digital communication tools, which ended up increasing communication with our clients. Digitization technologies are increasing productivity by fostering a closer relationship between service provider and customer through virtual communication platforms.  

To what extent do you think political instability in Peru could affect the country’s mining industry?

Politics plays a major role in the mining industry, especially with regards to attracting international investment. We still believe that Peru is a great country capable of thriving despite facing difficult times due to the uncertainty the political situation brings. Peru is extremely rich in mineral resources, has an educated workforce, and has strong institutions doing good work regardless of political turbulence, which is not new in the country. We need to continue working towards offering stability to attract global investors to the mining industry, which will contribute to the growth of the economy.

What opportunities do you see in Peru’s mining industry in the coming years?

There are strong countries with extremely rich resources that are underexplored, and one of them is Peru. This brings the certainty that there will be a lot of work to do within the mining industry for many years to come. Peru has reserves for the next 30 to 50 years, which represent a very attractive opportunities for both national and international companies to provide their knowledge and implement technologies that are not yet being used in the region. The mining industry is evolving significantly fast which brings certainty of growth opportunities and work stability.

Can you elaborate on Montali’s commitment to social responsibility and the main initiatives you have regarding local communities?

Being a Peruvian company with experience in many places in Latin America, we want to bring the best to our communities in the region. We have developed different models of education for both the communities that we are involved in, as well as our own workforce. We also hire our employees from the communities to involve them in our operations and empower them to develop knowledge and become technical specialists. This allows them to earn salaries which enable them to provide a quality life for their families and further educate the younger generation. Education and developing know-how within the mining industry is very important for the future of the industry. As a mining contractor, Montali is moving in a direction where we can provide the most value for our clients, our suppliers, our employees and specially our communities.


"The Chilean mining industry witnessed during the pandemic how technology could be used for mining activities: while mining operations stopped worldwide, this was not the case in Chile thanks to its resilience and adaptability."
"The mining sector is notably insular, limiting exposure to practices from other industries or even different mining sectors, such as coal or iron, which place a higher emphasis on efficiency."
"With numerous companies offering similar services, building strong relationships with local communities and other contractors has become crucial."
"Scent design is a blend of art and science; they are inseparable. It involves a high level of creativity and understanding the preferences of consumers."


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"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."