"The future of mining hinges on the integration of data in an agnostic manner, underpinned by a robust, scalable network infrastructure."

Rodrigo Couto


May 06, 2024

How has the acquisition of HARD-LINE strengthened Hexagon’s offerings?

Acquiring HARD-LINE has allowed us to offer teleoperated units to clients.  In under three months, we deployed more than 10 teleoperated units in Brazil and five in Chile. The level of client acceptance is significant. Teleoperated solutions can be used on dozers, trucks and shovels in all areas of risk. This acquisition is a market differentiator, allowing us to combine teleoperated equipment with one of our safety solutions, Hexagon Collision Avoidance System (CAS). Now, in instances where risk is detected, we can stop operations remotely. With these solutions, Hexagon has significantly improved safety in many global mining operations.

How does Hexagon support the shift to autonomous mining fleets?

Hexagon is developing a solution that is completely agnostic to OEM or model. Operations will not need a new fleet of autonomous vehicles— we can retrofit the existing fleet. Retrofitting equipment not only aligns with Hexagon’s ESG goals, but also saves on costs by utilizing existing assets. We are in the final stages of setting up two 777 trucks in a Latin American mine, and we will be showcasing our progress at the upcoming MINExpo International.

What role do network solutions play in autonomizing mining operations?

A crucial aspect of autonomy is networking. Mining corporations such as Codelco, AMSA, Vale, Glencore and others are facing challenges in identifying the most effective networking solutions to meet their specific operational needs. The correct network should be multi-banded and multifunctional. The ideal solution will not only include LTE, but a combination of different network solutions like Wi-Fi, LTE, and MESH. 

A network must be scalable and have a proper design. Hexagon assembled an in-house team dedicated to crafting top-notch network designs for our clients. 

How does Hexagon improve safety across the mining industry?

In LATAM, approximately 10,000 trucks currently use Hexagon Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS). This includes Codelco, AMSA, Glencore, Vale, and others. We collaborate with clients to develop a safety framework, or smart centers— real-time safety dashboards that monitor operational safety levels. The data obtained from these safety dashboards enables mines to take proactive measures and offers visibility into effective safety practices. Our process begins with KPI implementation, followed by the integration of smart centers, and culminates in deploying the EMESRT Level-9 system, offered by HARD-LINE or other OEMs. In high-risk scenarios, our system intervenes when driver action is absent. 

How does Hexagon optimize productivity in mining operations?

Our fleet management system, Hexagon OP Pro, acts to optimise traffic, which automatically increases the productivity and effectiveness of operations. Our smart monitoring system delivers instant reports to mine managers, highlighting operational bottlenecks and issues for proactive management. Additionally, our Smart Center generates environmental impact reports, detailing CO2 emissions and fuel consumption metrics. OP Pro assesses road conditions by tracking tire vibrations, which we present to clients as a heat map. This enables them to pinpoint areas requiring repairs. We have a partnership with Uber and leverage their algorithm to assess road conditions in mines, tracking truck speeds across different segments to identify speeding or slow-driving behaviors. Our use of AI tools allows for intelligent and preventive data analysis.

 Could you tell us about what Hexagon has to offer for underground mining?

Hexagon's solutions for underground mining encompass planning, operation, production and safety.  With the acquisition of Minnovare, we now offer enhanced drilling efficiency with real-time guidance on drilling angles. Hexagon’s Underground Mining Collision Avoidance System (UG CAS) enhances safety through specialized sensors and software, detecting both equipment and personnel. We also offer Hexagon MinePlan Underground Engineering, which leverages 3D CAD tools for detailed mine designs and integrates with Hexagon UG Pro for seamless operation and fleet management. 

What is Hexagon’s vision?

Hexagon's solutions generate a vast array of data. The journey towards autonomous operations encompasses more than just autonomy itself; it necessitates the prior automation and transformation of data. Our strategy includes significant investments in AI, cloud capabilities and enhanced reportability to refine data analysis. The objective is to deliver aggregated data rapidly and precisely for decision-making processes. The future of mining hinges on the integration of data in an agnostic manner, underpinned by a robust, scalable network infrastructure. 


"The Chilean mining industry witnessed during the pandemic how technology could be used for mining activities: while mining operations stopped worldwide, this was not the case in Chile thanks to its resilience and adaptability."
"The mining sector is notably insular, limiting exposure to practices from other industries or even different mining sectors, such as coal or iron, which place a higher emphasis on efficiency."
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"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."