"SLC Resources wants to be known as a company passionate about local content. We have seen how lives have been transformed through training and leadership development and we want to continue strengthening Nigeria’s human resources."

Michele Branco-Aiyegbusi


June 17, 2020

Can you give a brief overview of SLC Resources and the company’s role in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria? 

SLC Resources is focused on training, building local capacity and managing training programs for the Nigerian oil and gas industry. The company handles soft skills, but also manages training programs in collaboration with OGTAN (The Oil and Gas Trainers Association of Nigeria) members. We have been able to build relationships within the OGTAN network and we leverage on this network to collaborate with experienced training providers in over 12 disciplines.

Since establishment, we have been focused on the petroleum industry, so SLC Resources’ clients have predominantly been service providers/contractors to the upstream oil and gas industry. It is the service providers who are responsible for training as they are the ones doing the actual work.

Over the past year, things have been quite slow, and we have started to look at opportunities to branch out into other sectors such as the financial sector and FMCGs. SLC Resources wants to be known as a company passionate about local content. We have seen how lives have been transformed through training and leadership development and we want to continue strengthening Nigeria’s human resources.

What type of training does SLC provide?

Typically, on the back of the NOGIC act and the Human Capital Development guidelines, trainings are supposed to be for the duration of the contract of the project. Oil and gas companies have to submit a Nigerian content plan to the regulator, NCDMB, which must include a strategy for training and human capital development. All operators are required to submit a Nigerian Content Plan at the time of the bid, showing how first consideration will be given to Nigerians and Nigerian goods and services. There is a 5% quota for expat management positions, however a training plan must be in place for the position to be Nigerianized.

The training provided has to be relevant to the contract – for instance, if it is an engineering contract, training must be provided in engineering disciplines. SLC Resources will help oil companies and service providers to develop their training plan in line with the specific project. The NCDMB will then review and approve the plan.

The NCDMB has a data base on which anyone can register for training opportunities and they will then deliver names of candidates for the training program. The number of candidates that are trained on a project is approved by the NCDMB.

SLC Resources’ very first job was on a four-year gas maintenance contract. We were responsible for recruiting trainees, managing their welfare, and managing the entire training program. Being a maintenance contract involved training in engineering and vocational skill sets. We are not a technical training provider and thus handled the soft skills and collaborated with OGTAN members for training in technical fields. I believe that we are recognized as best in the market for local content consultancy.

To what extent are local content provisions increasing costs for IOCs?

Local content development is not an additional cost for IOCs as 10% of their budget has to be set aside at the beginning of their project for training purposes. In the long run, the companies are investing in people who are their greatest assets. I would not perceive local content development as increasing costs, but rather as adding value.

As for building indigenous capacity, there is a process to access funds from the NCDMB and companies have to demonstrate their readiness. There is probably not enough understanding on how this process works and how to access these funds, but it is available.

Can you give insights into the skill set and talent pool available in Nigeria?

The private sector is working with academia to help them set up programs which will better prepare students for the industry. It is also mandatory for graduates to complete a year internship to give them practical experience and prepare them for a career in the industry.  I believe that the potential is there and all that is necessary is a conducive and enabling environment to learn.


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