Global Business Reports


Lina Jafari, Ben Cherrington, Carl-Johan Karlsson

Québec Mining 2019

April 17, 2019

GBR is back in ‘La Belle Province’ to provide a first-hand account of the current mining landscape in a world-class jurisdiction with unique institutional support. Québec hosts a diverse portfolio of minerals and metals that play a key role in the move towards green energy and the booming battery electric vehicles market, in addition to significant precious metals reserves and high grade iron ore from the Labrador Trough. As Eldorado Gold and Osisko Mining ramp up development at Québec’s next gold mines, a host of juniors look for the next discovery of significance, spurred on by the federal government’s decision to renew the mineral exploration tax credit (METC) until 2024. Parallel to this, a burgeoning Montréal tech community is working in collaboration with its international counterparts to develop solutions that are transforming processing technology, allowing companies to identify new deposits, and enhancing mine safety in jurisdictions across the globe.


DGSC works with mining companies to provide customized supply solutions for dis-tributed Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) across Canada.
CSA Global provides technical and expert services, training and independent corporate advice to the mining industry.
The Fonds de solidarité FTQ is a Québec development capital organization dedicated to investing in local businesses to further economic development.
Volvo Group Peru is expanding its market share in the region and increasingly focused on opportunities in the construction segment.


APLA Latin American Logistics Meeting Review

Despite the challenges, Latin America has several opportunities: Its green energy mix paves the way for the energy transition. In this journey, the chemical and petrochemical industries will be critical, leveraging emerging technologies like AI to enhance their operations.



"Zambia is ready for business, and as part of our goal to reach 3 million t/y of copper production, there have been some important announcements recently."