Global Business Reports


Razvan Isac, Ty Jeevaratnam

Québec Mining 2016 Pre-Release

March 04, 2016

At this point in time, saying that the global mining industry is experiencing a downturn does not constitute news for anyone, anywhere, anymore. Every commodity has had its ups and downs. We remember gold companies starving for cash when the extravagant $2000-per-ounce (oz) prices started plummeting in 2013, but we must also not forget that back then, iron ore producers were expanding operations around the world, based on high demand from China and a price point of around $150 per mt. Keeping these facts in mind, we arrive in present-day Québec, a mining jurisdiction traditionally known for its exceptional gold and iron ore reserves situated in the north of the province in regions such as Abitibi-Témiscamingue (gold), and the Labrador Trough (iron ore); gold is trading at roughly $1,200/oz, while iron ore prices are hovering at $40/mt. So is it all doom and gloom for “La Belle Province” and its miners? Quite simply put: no, not at all.


Tembo Power is developing hydropower projects across Africa with a focus on DRC.
Chesser Resources is upbeat about its Diamba Sud gold resource in Eastern Senegal.
Robocon speaks with GBR about the outlook for its services in Peru.
"Our product innovation process involves gathering client feedback and submitting it to the factory, which determines which ideas to pursue based on economic considerations."


Ontario Mining and Toronto's Global Reach 2024 - Digital Interactive

GBR’s annual Ontario Mining and Toronto’s Global Reach 2024 report draws from over 100 interviews with leading executives from major producers, associations, juniors, consultants, investors, and service providers, to provide an in-depth and holistic view of what is happening now, and more pertinently, what could happen in the years ahead.



"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."