Global Business Reports


Ben Cherrington, Jason Spizer, Mariolga Guyon, Maria Filippova

Mexico Chemicals and Petrochemicals 2021

May 21, 2021

Economic turmoil in Mexico mirrored the Covid health tragedy in 2020, as GDP in Latin America’s second-biggest economy fell by 8.5%. However, certain segments of Mexico’s economy offer rays of hope, including its chemical industry, deemed essential by the government because it supplies raw materials to over 30 different sectors. 

To fully take advantage of Mexico’s vast domestic potential for growth, and position as a global manufacturing hub for the export market, the country must first iron-out structural issues that have held it back. The AMLO government’s policies, embodied by the issues surrounding Pemex, have resulted in a lack of feedstock for the country’s chemical industry. 

Despite the challenges, chemical supply to the pharmaceutical industry, sanitization products and raw materials for healthcare, agricultural products and packaging for the food industry have all remained strong throughout the crisis, and will play a fundamental role in Mexico’s economic growth in 2021, estimated by the World Bank to be in region of 3.7%.


Haldor Topsoe discusses the potential for energy transition in Latin America.
The Mexican Union of Agrochemicals Manufacturers and Formulators (UMFFAAC) describes the main themes impacting its members.
"Preparing the industry to seize the opportunity is crucial. Just as the US experienced stages during the shale boom, Argentina must follow similar steps."
Cristian García of PROCCYT explains the dynamics influencing Mexico’s crop protecting sector.


Mexico Chemicals 2025 CW Release

Mexico's chemical industry faces challenges in securing a reliable feedstock supply and maintaining global competitiveness. A shift towards sustainable energy and local production could provide long-term growth opportunities, and some sectors are booming, including Mexico's dynamic chemical distribution market.



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