Global Business Reports


Alfonso Tejerina, Lucrezia Falcidia, Margarita Todorova, Lorena Stancu, Germaine Aboud

MACIG Copperbelt & Angola 2021

January 27, 2021

Global Business Reports (GBR) is delighted to return to Zambia, the DRC and Angola to investigate the latest developments in the region across the value chain of the mining industry. Only this time, for the eighth edition of the Mining in Africa Country Investment Guide (MACIG), the industry and the whole world battle against a health crisis and its shockwaves are impacting commodity prices and supply chain continuity. 

MACIG has endeavoured to fill a void in the African mining industry by providing independent first-hand research and analysis on the continent’s mining industry since 2014. Overwhelmingly our research conducted throughout 2020 suggests that the Copperbelt has been less impacted by the pandemic relative to other leading copper mining jurisdictions. The impact on the region has largely been indirect as a result of lockdowns in South Africa and China. Closures in China shocked demand in Q1 – Q2 of 2020, making copper the worst performing base metal in Q1. China’s rampant appetite post-Covid-19 then allowed the metal to strongly rebound to its highest price since 2013. Each country investigated in this report has its unique challenges and character that shapes opportunities in the sector, but across all three countries, power generation, sovereign debt, infrastructural challenges and poverty persist and restrict growth. However, progress is evident as the region is increasingly investing in hydropower and construction, while attempting to promote inclusive development.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all our interviewees, governments, junior and major producers, service-sector companies and financial institutions, for taking the time to give their insights on operating in the Copperbelt region and Angola.


"A reliable source of power remains challenging in the DRC, therefore, AVZ’s goal is to rely on the use of renewable energy through hydropower at Mpiana Mwanga."
"A mine in Africa is just as likely to demand autonomous trucks as one in Australia or Canada."
SRK Consulting describes its services to mining from its DRC office.
ITM Holding describes the services that it is bringing to DRC and intends to offer across Africa.


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“Hemos optado por desarrollar nuestro propio software de control de calidad y procesamiento geofísico, ya que preferimos crear nuestras propias soluciones en lugar de depender de un software comercial.”