Chemical Week


Alfonso Tejerina, Ben Cherrington, Maria Filippova

Latin America Petrochemicals and Chemicals 2021 - 2022 IHS CW Release

January 19, 2022

Latin America’s economy grew by over 6% in 2021, with the chemical and petrochemical industries being key components of this rebound. Demand for hygiene-related products, chemicals for agriculture and non-durable goods such as packaging remained robust, while markets which experienced lower demand in 2020, such as polystyrene and PVC, rebounded strongly. 

The year was without its challenges, as a constrained global supply chain highlighted the importance of establishing greater regional production in Latin America, a situation exacerbated by unprecedented logistics disruptions and a lack of domestic raw material feedstock.

As we move into 2022, perhaps the biggest topic is the acceleration of a global environmental agenda. Sustainability has become the overarching theme touching all facets of the chemical and petrochemical industries, influencing new forms of energy such as green hydrogen, and creating a new wave of business opportunities on the path towards a circular economy. Latin America, with its abundance of natural resources, is set to play a key role in this transition.


Haldor Topsoe discusses the potential for energy transition in Latin America.
The Mexican Union of Agrochemicals Manufacturers and Formulators (UMFFAAC) describes the main themes impacting its members.
Cristian García of PROCCYT explains the dynamics influencing Mexico’s crop protecting sector.
FMC discusses the rise of sustainable products which have minimal residues on crops.


Africa Energy 2024 - Pre-release

The pre-release edition of Africa Energy 2024 comprises analysis based on over 80 interviews with ministers and leading executives from IOCs, NOCs, independents, associations, investors and service providers, to provide an in-depth and holistic view of sub-Saharan Africa’s ever-evolving energy sector.



"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."