"Recent trends in the process industries have been characterized by significant transformations, driven by technological advancements, sustainability goals, and regulatory changes." 

Wayne Yap


April 12, 2024

How has ASPRI’s membership evolved in recent years and what attracts new members to join the organization?

ASPRI's membership has seen a consistent uptick with an increase of 25% in the last five years, growing to represent over 650 Engineering Service Providers. This growth is not just in numbers but in the diversity and depth of its member base, ranging from SMEs to MNCs. 

A key component of this growth is attributed to ASPRI’s robust advocacy and representation, offering a strong voice for its members at both governmental and industry levels. Additionally, ASPRI facilitates invaluable networking and collaboration opportunities, enabling members to forge strategic partnerships and share industry best practices. Through the Institute of Process Industry (IPI), it also offers specialized craft training programs aimed at upskilling the workforce to meet the industry’s evolving demands. Moreover, ASPRI’s commitment to member welfare is evident in its provision of quality accommodation services at the ASPRI-Westlite Papan dormitory, ensuring a conducive living environment for employees. 

What have been the recent trends in the process industries?

Recent trends in the process industries have been characterized by significant transformations, driven by technological advancements, sustainability goals, and regulatory changes. 

Digitalization has emerged as a pivotal trend, with the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics enhancing efficiency, reducing operational costs, and improving safety. Sustainability has taken center stage, with companies increasingly focusing on reducing their environmental footprint through energy-efficient processes, waste reduction, and the adoption of renewable energy sources. This shift is further propelled by stringent environmental regulations and a growing demand for green products. Companies are also reevaluating and diversifying their supply chains to ensure continuity and mitigate risks. These trends reflect the sector's adaptation to a rapidly changing business landscape, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and resilience to meet the challenges of the future.

How is the reduction of the Dependency Ratio to 1:5 (local/foreign worker) impacting the process industry?

After January 2024, the reduction of the Dependency Ratio Ceiling (DRC) from 1:7 to 1:5 for the local to foreign worker ratio presents both challenges and opportunities for Singapore's process industry. This adjustment compels companies to rethink their workforce strategies, prioritizing the employment of local talent while managing reliance on foreign workers. In the short term, firms will face operational disruptions and increased labor costs as they adjust to the tighter quota. The immediate challenge lies in addressing the skills gap, particularly for specialized roles traditionally filled by foreign workers.

However, this policy should also accelerate the industry's move towards digitalization and automation. Companies are now incentivized to invest in advanced technologies to enhance productivity and reduce dependency on manual labor. This shift not only aligns with global industry trends but also promotes a more sustainable and efficient operational model.

Since our report has grown to encompass Southeast Asian markets, could you comment on how ASPRI is helping members, especially Singaporean companies to project their services more broadly in SEA?

ASPRI aims to play a crucial role in supporting its member companies' internationalization through various strategies and initiatives. 
ASPRI, the Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council (MOGSC) of Malaysia, the Myanmar Oil and Gas Services Society (MOGSS) of Myanmar and the Association of Singapore Marine Industries (ASMI) of Singapore have joined hands in a historic move to enhance cooperation and drive advancements in the Oil, Gas & Energy and Process Industry within the ASEAN region. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed at the Oil and Gas Asia (OGA) in September 2023, aims to foster greater collaboration and synergies and reflects ASPRI, MOGSC, MOGSS and ASMI’s commitment to advance the interests of Oil, Gas & Energy and Process industries within the ASEAN region, contributing to greater economic growth.

Beyond 2024, ASPRI will facilitate networking opportunities with foreign delegates, international business councils, and trade associations to help member companies build valuable connections and explore potential partnerships. The association will continue to organize overseas trade missions and participate in regional trade shows enabling members to expand their presence overseas.


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