"We are at the forefront of digital twins, so our customers can couple the mining process with artificial intelligence (AI). This is a big revolution for the industry, allowing tremendous energy, water, and workforce savings."  

Mary Darling, Richard Darling & Jon Heidmann


September 29, 2023

How has Darling Geomatics performed over 2022, and what market demand trends are you seeing?

MD: We are at the forefront of digital twins, so our customers can couple the mining process with artificial intelligence (AI). This is a big revolution for the industry, allowing tremendous energy, water, and workforce savings. Moreover, it enables predictive maintenance, supply chain efficiencies, and increased safety, as training simulations can be done virtually. With new technologies and AI, mines can maximize their digital twins in new ways, driving the industry towards increased efficiency, productivity, and safety.

JH: In 2022, we worked on a copper mine in Arizona where we digitized the entire mine, including the processing facilities. This mine had been shut down for approximately a decade and the company wanted to recommission it due to high commodity prices. We did four months of 3D modeling, and the entire project is now digitized.

What is the adoption rate of digitalization, automation, and AI technologies within the mining sector?

MD: Darling Geomatics has been doing the 3D scanning and modeling for digital twins since 2003, and most large mines have already adopted digitization technology and use our solutions regularly for any upgrades they do at their facilities. However, mines are only now starting to implement AI technologies to improve their operations. AI requires industry input into high school and college curriculums and different hiring parameters. The demand for AI engineers is growing exponentially. The automation of equipment and sensor technologies is evolving, allowing for more aspects of mining and processing to be monitored for maximum efficiency.

Can you also apply AI technologies in the junior exploration space?

MD: Yes. As an example, we are using AI to navigate drones underground. Today’s drones can memorize a route beyond where the pilot can safely go. The drone collects measurable images with LiDAR plus video and still camera technologies, without a human controlling it. When the battery gets to a certain percentage, the drone automatically knows to stop, turn around, and return to the route it memorized on its way in. When combined with other data sources, such as drone surveys of the surface with LiDAR and hyperspectral imaging coupled with exploration drilling, AI can be used for optimum pattern recognition for advanced geological mapping.

RD: AI can also assist in taking a project from exploration to mining in the most efficient way. Mining engineers are great at identifying the best approach to mining, but if you have AI to wrap its arms around everything involved with creating a new mine, it is an incredible tool to use.

Given the interest of North American countries to secure their supply chain of critical minerals and rare earth elements, has Darling Geomatics seen increased demand coming from these sectors?

MD: Yes. Currently, claim staking is showing a rapid increase in lithium and copper interest in the western US.

JH: Over the past three years, we've seen increased demand for our services and solutions in ore processing circuits as well as underground mine mapping projects. We are also witnessing mines that have closed down being recommissioned as they can now again be profitable with the new technologies we have at our disposal.

RD: We do claim staking and have been contacted by numerous companies going into exploration for critical minerals, especially lithium.

What challenges is Darling Geomatics observing?

MD: Permitting remains a major challenge for the mining industry. We have seen companies get over 95% through the permitting process, and then have everything shut down for political reasons. If we want to reach net zero by 2050 goals, we will need to find a way to improve and expedite the permitting process without lowering environmental standards.

What are Darling Geomatics’ objectives and growth strategy for the next two years?

MD: We have added underground drone surveying to our services and have also teamed with another company to offer hyperspectral services with drones. We are also partnering with a company that is making photonic semiconductor chips needed for AI, primarily to facilitate more efficiencies with processing ores.


"The Chilean mining industry witnessed during the pandemic how technology could be used for mining activities: while mining operations stopped worldwide, this was not the case in Chile thanks to its resilience and adaptability."
"The mining sector is notably insular, limiting exposure to practices from other industries or even different mining sectors, such as coal or iron, which place a higher emphasis on efficiency."
"With numerous companies offering similar services, building strong relationships with local communities and other contractors has become crucial."
"Scent design is a blend of art and science; they are inseparable. It involves a high level of creativity and understanding the preferences of consumers."


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"We plan to double our copper production by the end of the decade. There remains significant upside potential in the gold industry, and the copper operations are strategic and additive to that."