"We need intelligent regulation with a focus on safety and the development of industry so that the benefits can be maximized."

Luis Osorio


February 03, 2025

Can you update us on PROCCYT's activities in the last year? 

PROCCYT represents the crop protection industry, including biotechnology companies in Mexico. We promote technology based on the best international practices and scientific methodologies.  We sustain productivity in the field. We have conducted an analysis indicating that the crop protection products have resulted in a 46% increase in productivity in the field, equivalent to 137 million more t/y of food production, ensuring food security and a booming export business.

This new government has discussed the importance of food security and self-sufficiency; we are in alignment and are working to increase dialogue and communicate the needs of our industry to the different regulators.  We want to be very close with the new authorities to understand how public policy will be shaped. We need intelligent regulation with a focus on safety and the development of industry so that the benefits can be maximized. By 2050, the population is projected to grow about 25% to 10 billion people. This will require a 60% increase in food production. This cannot be conceived any other way than with technology.  

How important is public-private collaboration in the face of climatic challenges for agriculture? 

Climate change is a clear and present challenge.  One of the effects in Mexico has been the change in temperatures and rainfall conditions, leading to droughts and heavy rains. The water recovery levels have not recovered to levels we were at a decade ago. The problem persists. Seasons have changed, which changes the traditional cultivation system, with implications for productivity. It has also had an impact on plague routes and severity. Environmental risks can appear suddenly. These risks demand innovation; unfortunately, in the past six years, we had a paralysis in the approval of technological innovation.

This is a key focus of our association with the new government. We want to encourage science-based decision-making and have made significant advances with COFEPRIS, the primary regulator. We are re-establishing that dialogue at a ministerial level with COFEPRIS, SENASICA and SADER.  Through collaboration, we can reach new agreements, but above all, new advances. We have seen the new government appoint capable people in important positions, which is positive. This gives us confidence to have a mutual dialogue with people who understand the issues and opens up many possibilities. Some easy wins can help producers and consumers, especially small and medium farmers. Our industry can help reduce poverty in the agricultural sector, which is a key objective of the government. 

Can you discuss the trend towards sustainable products?

There is a significant investment in new technologies that are safer and with lower toxicity levels, in addition to the trend towards biological and biorational products. Among our member companies, a large part of their portfolios is dedicated to biological products. They are constantly developing them and complementing existing products. Integrated pest management solutions involve chemical and biological strands, biorationals and biotechnology. All can be complementary for a common goal. Taking a more integrated approach delivers more significant environmental and safety benefits.

There is also much investment in artificial intelligence, satellite monitoring and precision agriculture using drones. We are working with the authorities on these issues to communicate the importance of updating legislation that no longer fits the purpose, such as aerial spray regulation, which is now outdated due to the introduction of drones and precision spraying. This technique is more selective and environmentally friendly. Smart regulation is key.

What are PROCCYT’s priorities for 2025?

The main priority is to continue in this dialogue with the authorities, organizing events that bring together industry and government to explain new trends and our industry's priorities. In addition, we will continue expanding our programs, such as CuidAgro, training farmers in good agricultural practices of agrochemicals. We train up to 100,000 farmers annually and seek the government's collaboration to enhance it. We are also expanding our collaborations with regional agricultural associations in important regions like Sinaloa, Jalisco and Veracruz.
SINTOX, our program that tackles accidental intoxication due to improper use of products, continues to be a priority. This year, we imported antidotes to combat poisoning from organophosphates and distributed them freely.  We are expanding Amocali, our joint program with UMFFAAC, to collect and recycle plastic waste in the field. Finally, we continue working to combat the use of illegal agrochemical products.


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“Hemos optado por desarrollar nuestro propio software de control de calidad y procesamiento geofísico, ya que preferimos crear nuestras propias soluciones en lugar de depender de un software comercial.”