NV Gold looks for deposits that have not been explored in the traditional sense of soil sampling and geologic mapping at surface outcrops.”

John E. Watson


February 28, 2022

Can you introduce NV Gold and provide an overview of the company’s assets?

NV Gold is a pure gold exploration company focused on Nevada. The company’s board of directors and advisors have a combined 150 years working experience, almost entirely in Nevada and the Great Basin.  Our portfolio of projects can be divided into two broad groups. We have our high priority projects that we approach on a sole risk basis. These projects are field active, and we prioritize sites where we have done reconnaissance work or first stage drilling and are in the pipeline for the next stage. NV Gold has six projects ready for drilling in the next 6-9 months, and we have a drill currently active. Our second group of projects are lower priority, as we have already tested our ideas and are looking for partners with new ideas. We offer these for lease or joint venture.

Today, there are 22 projects in our portfolio. In general, we focus on obscured targets. Much exploration has been done in Nevada over the past 40 years, especially on mountain ranges. However, about half the State is obscured because its valleys have gravel cover, and logically there should be an equal number of deposits to be found here. NV Gold looks for deposits that have not been explored in the traditional sense of soil sampling and geologic mapping at surface outcrops. We use more sensitive techniques that we hope will enable us to be involved in one of the next big discoveries.

What have been the latest milestones at the Sandy gold project?

In early 2021, NV Gold undertook a significant drilling program at Sandy. We drilled 17 reverse circulation holes in the first quarter of 2021 and saw very encouraging results, with gold intercepts in 12 of the holes, outlining a mineralized zone of 2 km long and 600 m wide. We followed up the drilling with an induced potential resistivity geophysical program. Through this, we identified a very strong target that will be a high priority for NV Gold in the first quarter of 2022, and we will likely undertake a drilling program of 2-4 core holes.

How are advancements coming along at the Slumber gold project?

NV Gold has completed two drilling programs at Slumber over the past few years, and there is a current program underway. The site is completely obscured by gravel cover which makes progress challenging. In addition to drilling, we covered the area with a CSAMT geophysical survey which produced new targets. We combined the 3D work with the 3D aspect of our drilling, and the result was a great model of the geology.

There are different targets present at Slumber. First, there is an epithermal vein target which could be present. We are also looking at volcanic breccia. Additionally, we will further narrow our focus on the sleeper-type bonanza target. We have completed five holes in this program and have encountered a much larger mineralized zone with a higher degree of silicification and alteration than we have seen elsewhere on the property.

In April 2021, the company announced it had signed an option agreement with Hochschild Mining on the SW Pipe gold project. What attracted Hochschild specifically to that asset?

Hochschild is looking for mega-deposits. The SW Pipe gold project, located in elephant country around 4 miles from the Pipeline mine, has great alteration at surface and is large enough to be of interest to a big company. SW Pipe has a small resource cloud of low-grade mineralization at the surface, possibly related to a potentially deeper, larger, higher-grade deposit. Hochschild has completed some deep geophysics to provide targeting, and I anticipate there will be a few deep core holes in 2022 to test potential.

How does NV Gold think about account strategy?

New discoveries are truly rare and valuable commodities that are made through creative thinking, good geology, and hard work. NV Gold’s mindset is to let our shareholders reap the benefits of this success rather than another company. We are more of an exploration company than a classic prospect generator in the sense that our primary emphasis is to test our own ideas first and work on our own account. If we do not succeed with our best ideas, then we will venture out a project.


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