"We have developed a new business line, Core Case Tech, a tool that uses digital resources to analyze geological and drilling data. Two of the largest mining companies in Brazil are already testing this technology."

Daniel Bortowski Carvalho


August 18, 2023

Can you introduce Core Case?

Core Case was founded in 2010 to serve different industries that require drilling services, such as geotechnical, rock mechanics, and environmental companies. We produce cases for the storage of drilling core samples in 100% recycled plastic. Since our beginnings, Core Case has been focused on sustainability, safety, and the technical aspects of operational activities.

In recent months, we have worked on our expansion into other markets. We recently entered the Canadian market and have actively participated in trade shows, events, and media in Latin America. In addition, we have developed a new business line, Core Case Tech, a tool that uses digital resources to analyze geological and drilling data. Two of the largest mining companies in Brazil are already testing this technology.

What are the advantages of Core Case products?

Our cases are designed with ergonomics, stability, and safety in mind. We ensure that our products are safe and easy to transport. We develop our products according to market needs. Gold, for example, is a very sensitive metal, so its transport must be carried out under very strict rules to avoid contamination. To solve this problem, we have developed a system that allows water to be drained without risk of contamination.

Another common problem is the labeling of drilling information. Here in Brazil, it is common to lose drilling information during sample transportation, which is a problem because everything is measured very precisely. So we developed a product that keeps the sample information in place during the transportation of drilling samples.

How does Core Case promote sustainability?

ESG criteria have become a priority in the Brazilian market, especially since the accidents with the tailings dams in Minas Gerais. The government has made significant efforts to promote compliance with safety and environmental standards, so mining companies are also looking for suppliers that prioritize sustainability.

Over the past twelve months, we have intensified our environmental activities. In partnership with the non-governmental organization Eco Local, we are working on a project to clean up beaches in several Brazilian coastal cities, particularly Santa Catarina, where our offices are located. It is a differentiated project, as we not only collect the garbage but also make sure that materials like plastic or aluminum are recycled. At Core Case, we also use this waste to manufacture products in our portfolio, such as our eco-friendly drilling frame, which we named DH Collar Marker.

Due to our environmental initiatives, we recently received the Fritz Müller Award in the Social and Environmental Projects category, granted by the Environmental Institute of Santa Catarina. This is one of the most important awards in the state of Santa Catarina.

What are the biggest challenges in developing new mines in Brazil?

A few years ago, many small junior companies became large companies by discovering significant deposits. However, many others tried to achieve quick results through short exploration campaigns without clearly defined targets. They focused primarily on raising capital on the stock markets without seriously addressing geological analysis or engineering of potential deposits, so poor projects were quickly sold. This situation prevented a real opening of the industry, and I believe that speculation is still a problem for the Brazilian mining industry. The government needs to create incentives not only to attract investment and capital but also to promote the development of new mines.

Can you expand on your internationalization strategy?

We have a very clear internationalization strategy. We see a lack of innovation in Brazil because the country has traditionally been an exporter of raw materials. The government needs to create tax incentives, especially to reduce the high tax burden on workers. In this context, we recently entered the Canadian market because it is a country with a high level of development in the manufacture of high value-added products.

We are also interested in Latin America, one of the most important mining regions in the world. Specifically, we aim to expand our operations in Chile, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina or Colombia.

What are Core Case's strategic objectives?

First, to further develop our Core Case Tech software technology. Second, to maintain our growth in Brazil and Latin America. And finally, to position ourselves in the North American market through our company in Canada.


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