"Vinmar facilitates the commercialization of plastic resins and chemical products for global producers in Mexico."

Alejandro Aguirre


July 05, 2024

Could you introduce us to Vinmar and your presence in Mexico?

We are one of the biggest non-Mexican distributors in the plastic resins market. Vinmar facilitates the commercialization of plastic resins and chemical products for global producers in Mexico. We have over 30 partnerships with first-class manufacturers, and we ease their entry into the Mexican market through our commercial, logistics, distribution, and technical service, ensuring our clients in the country have access to a great variety of products from around the world. With 25 warehouse and logistics points nationwide, our coverage of Mexico is extensive. Vinmar Mexico was the first subsidiary outside of the US, so it has always been a very important asset. 

What benefits does the Vinmar portfolio bring to its Mexican clients? 

Our focus in Mexico is the distribution of polyolefins, styrenics, and engineering resins. We have accumulated several meaningful relationships globally, so we can offer many products to the market and give our clients multiple options. Clients can buy products at the border and handle logistics by themselves, or we can deliver what they need directly to their facilities. The ease of access to products that are complicated to reach and / or import makes our clients’ lives easier, and as part of our value to our clients, we also offer exceptional technical support.   

What are the most significant obstacles to growth for Mexican industry?

There are always things that could be improved. I have worked in the plastics and chemicals industry for many years and have traveled extensively. Mexico has lots to offer. Mexicans are hardworking and well-trained; our country is rich in natural resources and has a large labor pool. The quality of our products is on par with the most developed industrial countries, but we need to invest more in industry. We rely on imports of raw materials that should be produced at home, which hurts our global cost competitiveness. The national transport grid needs upgrades, and though the north-center transport channel is well-developed, it needs better maintenance. Transport fleets should be modernized, and more parts of the country connected through road and rail. We are privileged to have Atlantic and Pacific coastlines and could benefit from expanding our Pacific ports. A comprehensive trade agreement like the USMCA is a great advantage for us. Our country stands to benefit as global supply chains become more regionalized to insulate them from exogenous shocks. 

What is Vinmar’s sustainability agenda?

Our sustainability agenda is well developed because this topic is urgent in the plastics and chemicals industry. There is a continuous need to make operations more efficient and environmentally sustainable to support the global sustainability drive. We are adamant about collaborating with suppliers committed to this global vision and implementing new modes of production that reduce their carbon footprints, including shutting down old plants and investing in cleaner and updated production methods. In the US, we have a relationship with a bio-resins producer and distribute this product. We are directing our efforts to expand our suite of sustainable products so that they can make up an ever-greater share of our volumes across Vinmar’s global operations. This includes minimizing the impact of plastic and encouraging recycling and reuse. We have built new relations with companies in India, Spain, and the US, and incorporated them into Vinmar Group, developing extensive recycling operations as part of our long-term global sustainability agenda. 

What are Vinmar’s goals in Mexico?

Our knowledge and presence in this country have expanded and are now extensive and well-developed, having built a reputation as an important, reliable supplier and distributor. In Mexico, our objective is to keep growing at pace by expanding our diverse line of products and solutions for our clients, and to be a supplier of choice for the industry. We are re-investing in our employees and increasing the size of our team here. We started with two people 30 years ago, and now have over 60 employees. Longevity in the market is our ultimate objective, and we always consider this when making investment decisions. We do not just offer products, we offer services and complete solutions to the market, and we will keep working at it. 


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“Hemos optado por desarrollar nuestro propio software de control de calidad y procesamiento geofísico, ya que preferimos crear nuestras propias soluciones en lugar de depender de un software comercial.”